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Online Jain Books

Niyamsara (Shri Kunda Kunda Acharya)With Commentary (by- Jaina Dharma Bhushan Brahmachaari Sital Prasadaji): translation in English. Niyamsara is one of the most renowned adhyatmic works of Shri Kund Kunda Acharya.
Chha Dhala (by Pandit Daulatram)With English translation The Chhahdhala tells us the philosophy in the form of the four Noble Truths. There is suffering in life, there is a cause of suffering, it is possible to stop suffering, and there is a path leading to the cessation of suffering.
Tattvarathadhigama sutra (Shri Umaswami)With English translation. Tattvartha Sutra (also known as Tattvarth-adhigama-sutra or Moksh-Shastra) is a Jaina text written by Acharya Umasvati or Umasvami. It is the first Jain text in sutra (aphoristic) form. Umasvati is accepted by all the sects of Jains.
Rayansara (Shri Kunda Kunda Acharya)(HINDI Translation) Niyamasara is oneof the imprtantof Adhyatmic works of Shri Kundakunda Acharya.
Sarvarthasidhi of Shri Pujyapada Original, roman, and English translation. A commentary on Tattvarthasutra by Acharya Pujyapad Swami, It is the oldest extant commentary available on Tattvarthasutra,
Perception for Being to Becoming(In English) These are 3volumes about perception. The first volume is the first English translation of 2000 year-old secular work in Prakrit: the Jeev Samas of Shatkhandagam. The second volume sets the contexts for this work. The third volume described significance of perception in issues such as rationality, knowledge and world view.
Perceptions from Jain Past:(In English) This standalone short is for the beginners given to thought and contemplation of deeper insights. It explores the significance of Namokar in its original context. Its focus is on the abstract of Jeevattan where the modern version of Namokar was first used in 50 CE as part of the anugam.
Room for Doubt (In English) As developed in this volume, partial truth-value is inherent in all forms of language-based communication. Whether or not we recognize it, this is how we ascertain and recognize truth-values through anecdotes, parables, algorithms and syllogisms. Doubt is necessarily introduced as we isolate the world of our concerns from the rest of the universe.
Jeev Samas Gatha This trilingual book presents the original Jeev Samas Gatha and its significance. Coupled with other information, features of their remarkable similarity to the material in Jeevattan suggest that Gatha were known before 100 BC. This material should be of special interest not only to scholars of Prakrit literature but also who wish to peer into ancient models for the reality based world view.
ShatkhandagamWith hindi translation. It is one of most important book on Drashtiwad the twelth Agam, which is the only Agam recognized by Digamber Jains. This was preserved at Moodbadri ji on Tad Patras.
Tattvarth Sutra (Moksha Sutra) by Umaswami or Umasvati. English..Upadhaya Shritsagar It is rightly termed and known as Jain Bible and enjoys the unique distinction of being regarded as an authoritative work by all sections of the Jains. There is no Jain doctrine or dogma, which is not expressed or implied in the 357 aphorisms (Sutras) divided into 10 chapters.
Chha Dhala Pandit Daulat Ram Translation by Pandit Sumerchandra Divakar (Six Faceted Shield to Fight the Karmas and Attain Liberation)
Chha Dhala in Hindi Written by Pandit Daulat Ram.
Purushartha-SiddhyupayaJaina Pravachana Rahasya-kosh by Acharya Amrit Chandra Suri. It treats of Ahimsa (non-violence), a basic rule of conduct, in all its varying aspects. Himsa is defined as injury to the vitalities caused through want of care and caution.
Niyamsara Acharya Kundkund.Translation and commentary by Uggar Sain Jain.
Ashta Pahuda by Acharya KundkundThe book contains a brief exposition of Jaina doctrine. It has 502 verses in eight sections dealing with Faith (Darshan), Scripture (Sutra), Conduct (Charitra), Enlightenment (Bodha), Realization or Internal Feelings, Thoughts, Dispositions (Bhava), Emancipation or Liberation (Moksha), Insignia (Linga), and Virtue (Sheel).
Dravya Samgraha by Nemichandra Siddhanta Chakravarti. It deals with both the living and non-living substances existing and comprising the universe. A person must have knowledge of substances (Dravyas) existing in this universe and only then can he proceed to regulate his conduct accordingly. Consisting of 58 verses in five parts, the book is a brief and but exhaustive work which is very useful to the beginner in his study of Jainism.
Samaya Sara by Acharya Kundkund.It describes the pure nature of the Soul. The word Samaya is used in the sense of Self- absorption or realization, which is the central goal to be aimed at. It deals with the souls Identity with itself being the only living Conscious Reality. All Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Reality, Morality, Freedom, is in this pure all conscious Self-absorbed Soul, which is God. Any connection, Causal or Effectual, with the non-self is a delusion, limitation, imperfection, bondage, caused by impure thought activity or passions. To obtain Liberation or Deification, this connection must be destroyed.
Saman Suttam
Jina Sutra - Quotations